Download the silviculture prescription handouts HERE.
Review the silviculture prescription lab HERE.
Using the maps and the landowner objective instructions below, visit one or both of these stands and write one or two prescriptions for each landowner objective on the silviculture prescription field template. Try to use different regeneration methods. Avoid the common mistakes listed in the prescription grade key. Be sure to include important information on the prescription crib sheet. Take your time and think about what you are prescribing. There are multiple right answers and multiple wrong answers. Prescription writing is a real-world problem solving exercise based on ecological conditions you observe in the field, economic and operational constraints impacting harvests and other treatments, and societal factors that may be relevant. It may be frustrating at first, but as with anything thoughtful practice will help you improve.
This is the silvicultural prescription practice landowner objective instructions sheet (~300 kb): PDF
This is a map for the Survey Hill Stand (~2 Mb): PDF
This is a map for the Tucker Woods Stand (~1.5 Mb): PDF
Review the example prescriptions I've prepared for each stand and landowner objective below. Be sure you are looking at the prescription for the correct stand AND correct landowner objective to compare to your practice prescription. These examples I have prepared are one example of a solution, but they are by no means the only workable prescription that can be created for these stands. Pay attention rather to the logical sequence of treatments, correct use of silvicultural terminology, level of detail in treatment descriptions, and characterization of potential operational constraints for each treatment.
This is the silvicultural prescription practice examples handout I have prepared (~300 kb): PDF
If you have any questions or would like me to review your practice prescription, please ask. See the SYLLABUS for office hours and my contact information.
Get an 'A' on your next lab prescription!